Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions about the City Prayer Breakfast below. Simply click on the question to reveal the answers. If you have any further questions, please send us a message.
Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions about the City Prayer Breakfast below. Simply click on the question to reveal the answers. If you have any further questions, please send us a message.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
Yes… please bring your printed or your mobile ticket with you.
If you are part of a group – ensure you have the group ticket.
Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends?
Yes transfers are fine. We are happy to have anyone attend.
Is it for Pastors? Who generally attends?
No – it is for everyone, any age and gender that has a heart for the city of London. You can come alone, with a friend or join a table group from your workplace, church or university.
I don’t have a credit card. Can I still get a ticket?
If a friend or relative is unable to purchase on your behalf tickets are available on the door.
Where can I park?
There is plenty of street parking, or you can use West Smithfield, London, EC1A 9D. Visit their website: https://tinyurl.com/yyktzp3p
Can I get a ticket at the door?
Yes – depending on numbers, or if we have any cancellations.
What is the format? I don’t like praying with people.
You will not be praying out loud in front of strangers!
• Breakfast buffet
• Music (Holy Sepulchre Band)
• Greetings from civic representatives
• Speaker (Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb DBE)
• Prayers of intercession from the front. All you need to do is join with others in a spirit of prayer – for those who lead us, those who serve us and those who are at risk and are vulnerable.
I’d like to purchase more tickets. Do I need to know everyone’s names?
You can purchase multiple tickets by simply clicking the add button at the bottom of the form. Ideally do have all your guests’ names and contact details to hand.
I’d like to pray after the breakfast. Can you direct me to where?
If you are in need of private prayer, the intercession team will be available at the end of the breakfast.
Is there a dress code?
Most will come dressed business casual as they will be heading off to work following the breakfast.
Can I choose my seat?
Yes you can make your seat or table selection on arrival, on a first come, first served basis.
What is the background of the Prayer Breakfast?
The Annual City Prayer Breakfast was established in 1969. In more recent years it has continued to be an amazing opportunity for Christians from all denominations to gather in one place to reflect on God’s work in the City of London, to be inspired to engage more in that work, and to pray for all who live and work here – those who lead, those who serve, and those who are at risk and vulnerable. We intentionally select quality speakers each year who will expand and challenge our understanding of prayer and of God’s deep care.